The current global crisis can have a major impact on how expecting and new parents feel about being pregnant or bringing a new little one into the world. It can be hard to balance the joy and excitement of pregnancy or having a new baby with a concern for what the future holds.
Parents At Work are delighted to be partnering with PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia – the national perinatal mental health lead organisation, to bring their latest resources to help expecting and new mums navigate these changing times and in particular work from home.
PANDA supports and represents expecting and new parents (both mums and dads) to understand and recover from perinatal mental illness, including anxiety and depression, psychosis and suicidal ideation. PANDA operates Australia’s only National Helpline that supports expecting and new parents affected by perinatal mental illness in communities right across the country.
Self-care for expecting and new parents working or studying from home
Parents At Work have partnered with PANDA on a resource about self-care while working or studying from home. One of the main challenges faced by expecting and new parents trying to work or study from home during the coronavirus pandemic is a sense of being torn between competing priorities. Callers to PANDA’s National Helpline report being pulled in opposite directions by different roles in the home. This resource explains the importance of practicing self-care and managing expectations from employers and colleagues, giving practical suggestions from PANDA’s community.
Your mental health as an expecting or new mum working from home due to COVID-19
Becoming a mum is a huge transition even when the world is normal. Going through that rollercoaster journey under the unprecedented conditions caused by coronavirus makes it even more challenging – especially if you are attempting to work from home at the same time! PANDA has a resource on the unique challenges for new mums during COVID-19, where it details practical tips on taking care of your mental health.
PANDA also offers useful tips on working from home as effectively as possible, which outlines strategies you can put in place to help you manage the juggle.
Support for expecting or new parents anxious about coronavirus
It’s completely understandable to feel concerned about how the coronavirus will affect your own health as well as that of your baby, your wider family and other loved ones. PANDA recently published a resource for expecting and new parents who are worried or experiencing symptoms of anxiety related to the coronavirus and other global crises and disasters. This contains tips and advice compiled by PANDA’s team over many years drawing on evidence-based research and the experience of our callers and others who have accessed PANDA’s services.
Returning to Work – Helpful Resources
The following resources are useful for parents returning to work as they include an overview of rights as well as a pathway for making a complaint:
Australian Human Rights Commission – What role am I entitled to when I return to work
Fair Work Australia – Returning to work from parental leave
Parents At Work Blog – Returning to Work – At Home! Top Tips
PANDA’s National Helpline is open
If you are an expecting or new parent and experiencing increased pressures and emotions that impact on your ability to cope day to day – whether in relation to the coronavirus or any other of the many challenges of becoming a parent – please know that the PANDA Helpline is still available to support you. PANDA’s National Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Helpline
1300 726 306
Monday – Friday, 9am – 7.30pm AEST/AEDT
For immediate crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 and in an emergency, always call triple zero (000).